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March 30 - April 4, 2025
Stockholm, Sweden

March 30 - April 4, 2025

Stockholm, Sweden

Best Paper Awards


Theory and Design Antenna

Applied Technology Antenna



Among all the papers applied for an award or reported by the reviewers, the TPC together with the Award Co-Chairs will shortlist 20 papers for each category. As soon as these lists are available, the Award Co-Chairs will nominate, for each thematic domain, an Award Committee of four distinguished professionals in the field, who will assess the shortlisted papers and downselect 5 finalist papers. Following the procedure described below, the panels will then select the winner paper in each category.

Awards Selection Procedure

The panels will select five finalists in each thematic domain of the EuCAP 2025 Best Paper Awards and five finalists for the EuCAP 2025 Best Student Paper Award based on two criteria:

  • The reviewers score and their recommendations for the initially submitted paper.
  • The quality of the final paper.

In addition to the presentation in their regular (oral or poster) sessions, the authors of the selected papers will be invited to compete for the Best Paper Awards in a special Award poster session held on Thursday afternoon, April 3, 2025. The same special Award poster session will be devoted also to the finalists of the Best Student Paper Award.

The selection of the Best Paper Awards will result from the evaluation of the paper and the special poster/oral presentation by a committee of experts different for each domain.

In this selection, the main criterion will be technical excellence. Other evaluation criteria are originality and innovation, significance to the antennas and propagation community, potential impact, and clarity of presentation.

All awards will be distributed during the closing ceremony on Friday, April 4, 2025.


  • Awardees cannot be co-author or belong to the same laboratory as any member of the relevant Awards Committees.
  • A student can choose applying for either a thematic award or a Best Student Paper Award or both. However, the latter choice is not recommended unless the student obtained exceptionally quality results. In any case, a candidate cannot receive more than one award.

Student Paper Award

Application deadline: October 18, 2024.

It is possible to fill in the application for the awards during the paper submission.

The EuCAP 2025 Award Committee will assign an award specifically devoted to Students, the Best Student Paper Award. This award is not related to a specific thematic domain.

The Award Committee for the Best Student Paper Award is constituted by the five EuCAP 2025 Award Co-Chairs.

Eligibility for a Best Student Paper Award

The candidate must fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Be a Bachelor, Master, or PhD student at the paper submission deadline (October 18, 2024).
  2. Be the first author of the competing paper and have the major contribution to the work. 
  3. The paper must not have more than 5 authors.
  4. Be registered at EuCAP 2025.
  5. Present the paper at the conference in person.
  6. Be present at the closing ceremony.

Condition 1 must be certified by the supervisor in the form of an accompanying signed letter (PDF format). Condition 2 must be certified by the candidate author after receiving a special request from the Awards Co-Chairs (after the paper acceptance notification and subject to the reviewing score).

EuCAP 2025 Best Student Paper Awards are sponsored by the European School of Antennas (ESoA) and are rewarded with a free ESoA course at the awardee’s choice.