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March 30 - April 4, 2025
Stockholm, Sweden

March 30 - April 4, 2025

Stockholm, Sweden

Best Paper Awards

Among all the papers applied for an award or reported by the reviewers, the TPC together with the Award Co-Chairs will shortlist 20 papers for each category. As soon as these lists are available, the Award Co-Chairs will nominate, for each thematic domain, an Award Committee of four distinguished professionals in the field, who will assess the shortlisted papers and downselect 5 finalist papers. Following the procedure described below, the panels will then select the winner paper in each category.

Awards Selection Procedure

The panels will select five finalists in each thematic domain of the EuCAP 2025 Best Paper Awards and five finalists for the EuCAP 2025 Best Student Paper Award based on two criteria:

  • The reviewers score and their recommendations for the initially submitted paper.
  • The quality of the final paper.

In addition to the presentation in their regular (oral or poster) sessions, the authors of the selected papers will be invited to compete for the Best Paper Awards in a special Award poster session held on Thursday afternoon, April 3, 2025. The same special Award poster session will be devoted also to the finalists of the Best Student Paper Award.

The selection of the Best Paper Awards will result from the evaluation of the paper and the special poster/oral presentation by a committee of experts different for each domain.

In this selection, the main criterion will be technical excellence. Other evaluation criteria are originality and innovation, significance to the antennas and propagation community, potential impact, and clarity of presentation.

All awards will be distributed during the closing ceremony on Friday, April 4, 2025.


  • Awardees cannot be co-author or belong to the same laboratory as any member of the relevant Awards Committees.
  • A student can choose applying for either a thematic award or a Best Student Paper Award or both. However, the latter choice is not recommended unless the student obtained exceptionally quality results. In any case, a candidate cannot receive more than one award.

Best Electromagnetics Paper Award


  • Dr. Astrid Algaba Brazález, Polytechnic University of Cartagena (Spain)
  • Prof. Anthony Grbic, The University of Michigan (USA)
  • Prof. Guido Valerio, Sorbonne Université (France)
  • Prof. Davide Comité, Sapienza University (Italy)

Short list:

  1. (1571085036) “Bistable Beam Splitting in Nonlinear Metagratings”, Naama Cohen Levi (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel); Ariel Epstein (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel).
  2. (1571086087) “Q-Factor Evaluation Accelerated by a Deep Neural Network”, Stepan Bosak and Miloslav Capek (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic); Jiri Matas (Czech Technical University, Czech Republic).
  3. (1571086227) “Approaching Fundamental Limits on Bandwidth-To-Thickness Ratio for Electrically Thin Absorbers Through Dispersion Engineering”, Pardha Sourya Nayani, Morteza Moradi and Younes Radi (Syracuse University, USA).
  4. (1571086226) “PTD Symmetric Double Edge Line”, Nelson Castro (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain); Enrica Martini and Stefano Maci (University of Siena, Italy); Eva Rajo-Iglesias (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain).
  5. (1571086381) “Physical Limitations on Substructure Characteristic Modes”, Johan Lundgren and Mats Gustafsson (Lund University, Sweden).

Best Antenna Theory and Design Paper Award


  • Prof. Mats Gustafsson, Lund University (Sweden)
  • Prof. Rick Ziolkowski, University of Arizona (USA)
  • Prof. Guy  Vandenbosch, KU Leuven (Belgium)
  • Prof. Anu Lehtovuori, Aalto University (Finland)

Short list:

  1. (1571086106) "A Preconditioner for the Fast Analysis of Arbitrarily-Shaped Reflective Intelligent Surfaces", Jean Cavillot (Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium); Christophe Craeye (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium).
  2. (1571085687) "A Differential Series-Fed Dipole Array for D-Band Sensing in Wafer Level Package Technology", Martijn de Kok, Paola Andrea Escobari Vargas and Elmine Meyer (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands); Friedrich Mueller and Tanja Braun (Fraunhofer IZM, Germany); Ad Reniers and Ulf Johannsen (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands).
  3. (1571086007) "A Wideband Quadraxial Feed for Compact Dual Polarised Vivaldi Antenna Elements", Teanette van der Spuy (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden & Satcube AB, Sweden); Rob Maaskant (CHALMERS, Sweden); Lukas Nystrom (Satcube AB, Sweden); Johan Malmström (Saab Surveillance, Sweden); Henrik Holter (Ericsson AB, Sweden).
  4. (1571086142) "Mitigation of the Antenna Carrier Impact in Dual-Polarized Phased Arrays with Electromagnetic Bandgaps for Airborne SAR Sensors", Diego Lorente, Markus Limbach and Bernd Gabler (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany); Hector Esteban (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain); Vicente Boria (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain).
  5. (1571086529) "On the Design of a Single Layer Wide-Scanning Lens with PCB Integrated Segmented Focal Array at 26.125 GHz", Dunja Lončarević, Huasheng Zhang, Andrea Neto and Nuria LLombart (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands).

Best Applied Technology Antenna Paper Award


  • Assoc. Prof. Ashraf Uz Zaman, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
  • Prof. Ville Viikari, Aalto University (Finland)
  • Prof. Wonbin Hong, Pohang University of Science and Technology (South Korea)
  • Dr. Henrik Holter, Ericsson AB (Sweden)

Short list:

  1. (1571086071) "Prototype of a 64-Element Phased Array Transmitter with Wide Axial Ratio Bandwidth and Beam-Width", Mei Qian (South China University of Technology, China); Hao Jiang (South China University of Technology & School of Electronic and Information Engineering, China).
  2. (1571086268) "Hybrid Additive Manufacturing of a Planar Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array at K-Band", Simon P Hehenberger (DLR- German Aerospace Center & TU Delft, Germany); Stefano Caizzone (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany); Alexander Yarovoy (TU Delft, The Netherlands).
  3. (1571086653) "Design and Realization of a Dual Band/Broadband Linear to Circular Polarization Converter 3D Printed Through Metalized Stereolythography", Andrea Guarriello and Etienne Girard (Thales Alenia Space, France); Charalampos Stoumpos (IETR, INSA of Rennes, Rennes, France); Frederic Veron (Thales Alenia Space, France); Laszlo Sajti (RHP-Technology GmbH, Austria); Hervé Legay (Thalès Alenia Space, France).
  4. (1571085561) "Dual-Polarized Low-Sidelobe Array Antenna Consisting of Power-Weighted Networks and Series-Fed Subarrays", Xin Cheng (Xi'An Jiaotong University, China); Xiaobo Liu, Jinlin Liu and Xiaoming Chen (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China).
  5. (1571086741) "Low-Loss Integration Strategy for Regularly Spaced ICs in Unconventional Phased Arrays Beyond 100 GHz", Yigit Ertugrul (Imec, Belgium); Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz (Ghent University-Imec, Belgium); Ilker Comart (Imec, Belgium); Claude Desset (IMEC, Belgium); Sofie Pollin (KU Leuven, Belgium)

Best Propagation Paper Award


  • Dr. Christina Larsson, Ericsson AB (Sweden)
  • Prof. Troels Pedersen, Aalborg University (Denmark)
  • Prof. Claude Oestges, UC Louvain (Belgium)
  • Prof. Sana Salous, Durham University (United Kingdom)

Short list:

  1. (1571086199) "Modelling of Rain Clutter Based on Empirical Data for Automotive Radar Validation", Sonakshi Gupta (TU Ilmenau, Germany); Isabella B. Varga (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany); Tamanna Yeasmin Usha (Fraunhofer IZM, Germany); Matthias Hein and Thomas Dallmann (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany).
  2. (1571086508) "Characterization of Non-Wide-Sense Stationarity for Distributed Massive MIMO Channels", Yingjie Xu, Michiel Sandra and Xuesong Cai (Lund University, Sweden); Sara Willhammar (Lund University, Sweden & KU Leuven, Belgium); Fredrik Tufvesson (Lund University, Sweden).
  3. (1571086390) "Centimeter-Level Geometry Reconstruction and Material Identification in 300 GHz Monostatic Sensing", Zitong Fang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China); Ziming Yu (Huawei Technologies CO., LTD, China); Chong Han (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China).
  4. (1571087142) "Photon Splatting: Real-Time Neural Representation for Predicting 3D Indoor Radio Channels", Ge Cao (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA); Qi Jian Lim (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA); Gabriele Gradoni (University of Surrey, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Zhen Peng (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA).
  5. (1571085754) "Experimental Validation of Scalable Electromagnetically-Modeled RIS Through Ray Tracing and Indoor Measurements", Le Hao (Technische Universität Wien, Austria); Sravan Kumar Reddy Vuyyuru and Sergei Tretyakov (Aalto University, Finland); Risto Valkonen (Nokia Bell Labs, Finland).

Best Measurements Paper Award


  • Dr. Anouk Hubrechsen, Antennex (The Netherlands)
  • Dr. Tian Loh, National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom)
  • Dr. Marc Dirix, Emerson & Cuming Anechoic Chambers (Belgium)
  • Dr. Adam Tankielun, Rohde&Schwarz (Germany)

Short list:

  1. (1571085725) "Use of Compressive Sensing Techniques for the Rapid Production Test of Commercial Nose-Mounted Radomes in a Robotic Antenna Measurement System", Stuart F Gregson (Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom, Great Britain); Clive Parini (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom, Great Britain).
  2. (1571084554) "Inverse Source Solutions and Antenna Field Transformations Above Lossy Dielectric Halfspace via Exact Sommerfeld Integral Representation of the Green's Functions", Thomas F. Eibert (Technical University of Munich (TUM) & Chair of High-Frequency Engineering (HFT), Germany); Raimund Mauermayer (Mercedes Benz, Germany).
  3. (1571085655) "Ultrawideband Millimeterwave Robotic Antenna Measurements Enabled by FMCW Radar Sensors", Kristof Dausien and Tobias Körner (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany); Christian Schulz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany); Nils Pohl (Ruhr-University Bochum & Fraunhofer FHR, Germany); Ilona Rolfes and Jan Barowski (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany).
  4. (1571085901) "Application of the Reduced-Order Model to Planar near-Field Antenna Measurements", Valentin Morin (IETR & Thales DMS, France); Samuel Corre (IETR, France); Renaud Loison (IETR & INSA, France); Laurent Le Coq (IETR, France); Eric Estebe (Thales DMS France, France).
  5. (1571085993) "Compensation of Gravity Bending of MetOp-SG On-Ground Calibration Measurements", Javier Fernández Álvarez, Jeppe Nielsen, Michael Mattes and Samel Arslanagić (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark).

Student Paper Award

Application deadline: October 18, 2024.

It is possible to fill in the application for the awards during the paper submission.

The EuCAP 2025 Award Committee will assign an award specifically devoted to Students, the Best Student Paper Award. This award is not related to a specific thematic domain.

The Award Committee for the Best Student Paper Award is constituted by the five EuCAP 2025 Award Co-Chairs.

Eligibility for a Best Student Paper Award

The candidate must fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Be a Bachelor, Master, or PhD student at the paper submission deadline (October 18, 2024).
  2. Be the first author of the competing paper and have the major contribution to the work. 
  3. The paper must not have more than 5 authors.
  4. Be registered at EuCAP 2025.
  5. Present the paper at the conference in person.
  6. Be present at the closing ceremony.

Condition 1 must be certified by the supervisor in the form of an accompanying signed letter (PDF format). Condition 2 must be certified by the candidate author after receiving a special request from the Awards Co-Chairs (after the paper acceptance notification and subject to the reviewing score).

EuCAP 2025 Best Student Paper Awards are sponsored by the European School of Antennas (ESoA) and are rewarded with a free ESoA course at the awardee’s choice.


  • Dr. Astrid Algaba Brazález, Polytechnic University of Cartagena (Spain)
  • Prof. Mats Gustafsson, Lund University (Sweden)
  • Assoc. Prof. Ashraf Uz Zaman, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
  • Dr. Christina Larsson, Ericsson AB (Sweden)
  • Dr. Anouk Hubrechsen, Antennex (The Netherlands)

Short list:

  1. (1571086454) "Silicon-Micromachined High-Gain Multi-Beam Beam-Steering THz Graded-Index Lens Antenna Enabled by a Passive Beamforming Interposer", Alireza Madannejad, Mohammad Mehrabi Gohari and Joachim Oberhammer (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden).
  2. (1571087120) "Experimental Modeling of Power Attenuation Factor for Characterizing Spatial Non-Stationary in XL-MIMO Channels", Jie Meng, Pan Tang and Haiyang Miao (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China); Lei Tian (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications & Wireless Technology Innovation Institute, China); Jianhua Zhang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China).
  3. (1571081913) "A Tensor-Based Holographic Multi-Feed Antenna Synthesis for MIMO Radar Applications", Thomas Frey (University Ulm - Institute of Microwave Engineering, Germany); Jens Österle, Maximilian Döring and Christian Waldschmidt (University of Ulm, Germany); Tobias Chaloun (Hensoldt Sensors GmbH, Germany & University of UIm, Institute of Microwave Engineering, Germany).
  4. (1571085050) "Near-Field Focusing Operators for Planar Multi-Static Microwave Imaging Using Back-Projection in the Spatial Domain", Matthias M. Saurer (Technical University of Munich, Germany); Marius Brinkmann (Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, Germany); Han Na and Quanfeng Wang (Technical University of Munich, Germany); Thomas F. Eibert (Technical University of Munich (TUM) & Chair of High-Frequency Engineering (HFT), Germany).
  5. (1571085681) "Stacked Multi-Via Mushroom-Type EBG Structures with Glide Symmetry", Ashray Ugle (Sorbonne University, France); Massimiliano Casaletti (Sorbonne Universités UPMC, France); Marta Arias Campo and Simona Bruni (IMST GmbH, Germany); Guido Valerio (Sorbonne Université, France).