March 30 - April 4, 2025
Stockholm, Sweden

March 30 - April 4, 2025

Stockholm, Sweden


We welcome the submission of proposals for workshops at EuCAP 2025.

Workshops can be scientific or industrial and provide an opportunity for the exchange of knowledge within a well-identified community. Workshops can also provide practical or academic training on a specific topic area beyond the coverage of a short course. 


Scientific Workshops are intended for exchanges within a well-identified scientific community, or for practical or academic training on a specific domain requiring a set of experts (beyond the coverage of a short course). Scientific Workshops focus on topics in need of strong interactions and host both presentations and round tables. Proposers must elaborate the session content with clear differentiating factors as compared to regular/convened sessions.

 Deadline for scientific workshops on November 8, 2024.

Scientific Workshops Template


Industrial Workshops have the objective of maximizing industry involvement and exchanges with delegates from academia and research institutes. Industrial Workshops host presentations and are usually organized by commercial companies to introduce their products.          

Deadline for industrial workshops on December 6, 2024.

Industrial Workshops Template

In both cases, the number of allocated time slots during the week is limited.


The workshop information (call for papers, programme/speakers...) will be provided on a dedicated page of the conference web site and will be updated accordingly. The workshop organizers can freely provide presentations/papers or other digital content to be included in the EuCAP 2025 bundle remitted to participants or freely downloadable from the web site, subject to size limitation and timely submission (no later than January 31, 2025). Organisers must be aware that workshop papers will not be published on IEEE-Xplore. An overview of the workshop will be included in the programme book. The workshops will be announced in the programme and all EuCAP delegates can attend.

It is the responsibility of the workshop organizers to arrange the programme of the workshop, which will not undergo review by the EuCAP 2025 TPC and, therefore, will not be handled by EDAS except for scheduling purposes. The workshop organizers are therefore fully responsible for the workshop contents and its quality.

The workshop organizers manage invitation/dissemination/selection activities and set own procedures and deadlines.

Scientific Workshops

Scientific Workshops can, for example, be organized by a project consortium (e.g. H2020, Horizon Europe, COST etc.), bearing in mind that the content should sufficiently fit within the technical areas of EuCAP.

The duration of a scientific workshop is expected to be a half day (two time slots of 1h40 each), although full-day workshops can be considered.

Please note that Scientific Workshops can be scheduled by the conference organising committee at any time from Monday afternoon through Friday morning.

Scientific workshop proposals must be submitted using the template available above. Proposals for Scientific Workshops have to be submitted no later than November 8, 2024. They must be submitted via e-mail to Their reception will be acknowledged. Acceptance or rejection notification will be provided no later than December 9, 2024.

Industrial Workshops

Industrial Workshops will be organized by a company or, preferably, a group of companies. Such workshops are NOT just the presentation of products. They must show original scientific/technical developments that are part of ongoing R&D or new technologies or software in an industrial context. An Industrial Workshop should NOT only promote the research of the main organizer(s); it should include contents issued from several companies.

The duration of an industrial workshop slot is either 45 minutes or 90 minutes. The content should fit the technical areas of EuCAP.

Industrial Workshops take place during the conference weekdays. Please note that there is a cost of 1500€ +VAT for a 45 minutes spotlight slot and 2500€ +VAT for a 90 minutes slot for organisers of such workshops. 

Industrial Workshop proposals must be submitted using the template available above. Note that the Industrial Workshop proposal deadline is December 6, 2024. They must be submitted via e-mail to Their reception will be acknowledged. Acceptance or rejection notification will be provided no later than December 20, 2024.