March 30 - April 4, 2025
Stockholm, Sweden
March 30 - April 4, 2025
Stockholm, Sweden
Applications deadline: 26 January 2025
Grants notification: 14 February 2025
TICRA-EurAAP Travel Grants
The TICRA Foundation and EurAAP are pleased to announce that they will offer 8 grants for EuCAP 2025.
Each grant consists of EUR 1,000 for travel and subsistence as well as a full registration and an invitation to the conference dinner. The Grants will be officially presented at a dedicated ceremony that will take place at the end of the technical sessions on Tuesday April 1, 2025.
The objective of the TICRA Foundation is to support education and research within the field of electrotechnical sciences in Denmark and abroad. You can find more information at
Note: To be eligible for the travel grant, applicants must ensure they are registered for the conference prior to the travel grant application deadline.
Grant Recipients
- Anett Kenders
- Dongseop Lee
- Anne-Laure Vergnes, French National School of Civil Aviation (ENAC), France
- Michele Beccaria, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
- Shrey Thakkar
- Jakub Liška
- Dariia Herasymova, IRE NASU, Ukraine
- Chris Hynes

TNO Travel Grant
TNO is pleased to announce that it will offer 1 grant to female researchers in Antennas and Propagation for EuCAP 2025.
grant consists of EUR 1,000 for travel and subsistence, the Early Bird
registration fee as well as an invitation to the conference dinner. The Grant
will be officially presented at a dedicated ceremony that will take
place at the end of the technical sessions on Tuesday April 1, 2025.
Note: To be eligible for the travel grant, applicants must ensure they are registered for the conference prior to the travel grant application deadline.
Grant Recipient
- Lizhao Song, University of Sydney, Australia
The Women in Radio Science (WiRS), the Nordic Radio Society (NRS) and the Swedish National Committee for Radio Science (SNRV) is pleased to announce that it will offer 1 grant to Early career female researchers in Antennas and Propagation for EuCAP 2025.
The grant consists of EUR 1,000 for travel and subsistence, the Early Bird registration fee as well as an invitation to the conference dinner. The Grant will be officially presented at a dedicated ceremony that will take place at the end of the technical sessions on Tuesday April 1, 2025.
Note: To be eligible for the travel grant, applicants must ensure they are registered for the conference prior to the travel grant application deadline.

Grant Recipient
- Martina Gugliermino, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

In the frame of the initiative “Solidarity with Ukraine”, which was first launched for EuCAP2023, the EurAAP Board of Directors has decided to continue supporting researchers with Ukrainian affiliation for EuCAP2025 as follows:
- Free registration to any Ukrainian affiliated person, who has an accepted paper and is also the presenter of the paper.
- Support up to 2 students with proven affiliation to a Ukrainian institution. The students should be authors of an accepted paper and presenters of the paper at EuCAP2025. Each grant consists of 750€ to support the travel expenses.
Note: Applicants affiliated with Ukrainian institutions may contact the Travel Grant Chairs at any time before the Early Bird registration deadline to request a free registration fee code. Please remember to include proof of affiliation with a Ukrainian institution in your email.
Grant Recipient
- Iryna Mikhailikova, IRE NASU, Ukraine