March 30 - April 4, 2025
Stockholm, Sweden
Thank you for offering to act as a session chair. Chairs have the essential task of making sure that the session runs effectively and that technical exchanges are encouraged and facilitated. This
entails more than just keeping time, although this is an important aspect of being a chair.
Before the conference
Familiarise yourself with papers
During your session
Oral Sessions:
Some general tips:
- Arrive at the room 15 minutes prior to the start of the session:
- Make yourself known to the technical assistant who will assist you.
- Greet the speakers and make sure that all speakers are present.
- Explain your role to the presenters.
- In case of a no-show (presenter not present):
- Make an announcement at the beginning of the session to confirm that the speaker is indeed not present.
- Bear in mind that in any case the next paper after the no-show must not start before its scheduled time, since the original schedule must be kept.
- Introduce yourself to the audience and give a brief introduction of the speakers and the overall topic.
- Explain the time allocation – each presenter has 15 minutes to present, and 5 minutes for questions. Explain that you will inform the speaker when it is 3 minutes before the end of the presentation time and that after 20 minutes have passed the next presenter will be introduced.
- Introduce each speaker. Check the time when the presentation starts.
- Make sure each presenter adheres to the time limit.
- After the presentation invite questions. If questions remain after the time is over, suggest that the discussion resumes over coffee after the session. Make sure that more than one person has a chance to ask a question. As a courtesy it is advisable to have a question prepared that you can ask in case that no questions are volunteered from the audience.
- Thank the speakers and the audience for their attention and conclude the session.
Poster Sessions:
- Arrive at the display area prior to the start of the poster session
- Check that all posters and presenters are present
- There will be conference staff available to help with fixing posters etc.
After your session
Please note that it is important to complete the session report, and mark clearly the presented papers and any no-shows. Session reports will be handled by the assistant. Please complete them and give back to the assistant or the front desk for registration.
Thank you for your support to EuCAP 2024 conference! Please contact if you need any technical assistance.